segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012

Thriller Novels: Where Does the Kick Come From?

If you're a comic book reader who has been suffering from event fatigue, don't expect it to slow down anytime soon, especially if you're a Marvel fan. The House of Ideas has recently announced its 2012 mega event, 'Avengers vs. X-Men'. Unlike 'Fear Itself', details about AVX have been spreading constantly online. What we know is that it will focus on the return of the Phoenix force, and how that causes both teams to clash. The event officially kicked off last week with the return of Cable in 'Avengers: X-Sanction' (Jeph Loeb), and will begin to unravel in 2012. With the potential for an event the scale of Civil War, it's time Marvel delivered in bringing us a comic book event that can match the hype.

George Bush Sr
George Washington
Martin Luther King Jr.
Sean John Combs
Juan Gris

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